Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to Access My Blog once Google Reader is Gone!

Hey beauties! I'm sure many of you guys are well aware of Google's decision to terminate Google Reader. You still have a few hours left to transfer all your favorite blogs from Google Reader to Bloglovin. Just sign up and create an account on Bloglovin' for free. Then, go to this link: and just click "Import from Google Reader." You'll be able to see my new blog posts pull up on Bloglovin' from now on. You can also follow me on Facebook or Google Plus

I'm so disappointed in Google's decision! Why can't they cancel Google Plus rather than Google Reader??? -_- As a blog reader myself, the latter is so much more convenient to access blog posts from many bloggers at the same time.


  1. gelliezellebattungJune 30, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    I know! :( Thank you for the heads up! :)

  2. I really don't understand why they are removing that!

    Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin ? Take a look in my blog and let me know!

  3. omg I didn't know about this!!
    Thank you for letting us know!!
    xx Charmaine
